Wednesday, August 1, 2012

More Ways to Share Your Auction Listings

I was having a few bugs with the auction listing sharing feature. It was currently just showing twitter. You should now have a larger variety of buttons you can use to tell everyone about your auctions through other social media outlets with the simple click of a button.
Have a look and if your have not listing your prints yet, you should. It is free remember.
I have crudely circled the area I am referring too.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Create a "POWER BAREN" for Block Printing - CHEAP

 I have always wanted a ball bearing baren for larger work but could not afford one, as I am a starving artist like the rest of you so I had a vision one day and this is what came of it. Since making these directions I have since used it many times to great effect.

"The Power Baren"

The Power Baren

Materials Needed:

A.) 2 pieces of mat board (cut into circles of desired size)

B.) White Glue (Elmers or whatever)

C.) Locktite brand epoxy (the 5 min. set)

D.) 2 boxes of regular thumbtacks. (about 100 for the size I made)
ATTENTION: You definitely need to find the right tacks. I used thick tacks that were almost "half moon" shapes. You can also use smooth furniture studs often used in re-upholstering vinyl and leather fabrics. Any tacks that you can see the "stud weld" are no good at all.

E.) White Artist Tape ½ inch wide

1. Cut your mat board into circles. I made mine 4 ¾" in diam.

2. Use the white glue and glue these two discs together. Put a weight on
it and let it dry. (about 10 to 20 min)

3. Divide your disc into four quarters.

4. Place tacks side by side all along the cross lines.

5. Fill in the sections as best as you can leaving as little space between
tacks as possible.

At this point you will have 2 pieces of mat board with a bunch of sharp
pointy tacks sticking out the bottom.


6. Wrap your ½" Tape around the outside edge of the disc.
AS TIGHT AS YOU CAN GET IT! Try not to have any leaks around the edge.

7. Mix up the epoxy in a EXTREMELY well ventilated area. It will smell
horrible and the fumes are bad. Do this quickly, it sets to firm in about
five minutes. You want to have it in place before this happens, of course.

CAUTION! Do not breath fumes!

8. As is sets you can take a toothpick and run it all through the epoxy
between the tacks points to make sure it has covered all the tacks. IT
get pricked!

9. Once it has set, remove the tape and it is ready for use. I waited
about 2 hours before I removed the tape.

I tested the baren on my keyblock for Baren Exchange #33 and it worked

I was using cherry plank boards as my block material, nice and hard wood.
I have not yet tested this out on softer wood. Use with caution. The baren
will have some weight to it so you DO NOT need a whole lot of pressure
to make good impressions. Also, I was using it right on hosho paper, without
a protector sheet and it was fine. Experiment with it. The whole thing
costs around $15.00 The most expensive item being the epoxy.

Let it air out for a little while, It will still smell bad.

Friday, July 27, 2012

The "Captcha" security image when registering or loggin in

Some folks have had a problem with the code when registering or logging back in. I made it clearer and easier to read, also I tested it and typed it in all lower case even though it show uppercase and it worked fine. Keep it up friends we are getting more listings by the hour and we are growing fast. Cheers, Rob

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

FREE Auctions & Listings for Printmakers All Day Everyday. Seriously, free. No Kidding.

Hello Printmakers,
I have taken the time to revamp/overhaul the website and start from scratch. This means the site has been down for a while but is now back better than before. What this means is that EVERYTHING you do on the site is FREE.
All the Auction listings for your prints are FREE. No fees, no final transaction percentage, nothing.
The classified listings are the same as well.
I am a printmaker and believe in pushing the fine art craft so that is does not become a dieing art.
In this age of fast paced technology and computer power, I refuse to let the old world techniques and quality of the printmaking craft fade.

Now, simple stuff:
You can set up your auctions so that you can receive PayPal payments once you register. This is all on you. We have NO part in the transactions. This website is just a connecting point specifically designed to bring printmakers to potential clients and collectors.
The classified listings are a little trickier but if you are a little computer savvy, read the older blog entry about "Adding PayPal buttons to your listings"
The true task at hand here is on you. Make this work, use the site, LIST YOUR ITEMS, sell your art and be proud of your craft. I am proud of all of you for just reading this.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Aquatint without Powders or Spraypaint

I have a small studio, don't have an aquatint booth. in order to make an aquatint like appearance with a tremendous amount of control that spray-paint may not have for some, what I do is:
1. Cut some fine and medium grit sand paper in 3/8" wide strips (you can move around your already line etched and grounded zinc/copper plates)
2. Hold the thin strip down on the ground area you want to "aquatint" (grit down) with your thumb and forefinger.

3. Rub the back of the sandpaper with an old paint brush, pen or wooden spoon handle between your two fingers. You can work really fine areas and if you "over" rub it, brush on a little more liquid ground and when it dries, rub again.

All the "aquatint" in this zinc etching, titled, "New England Winter" was done this way.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Ten Different Views from One Direction - An Exchange

I am thinking of having an exchange that is a bit different than normal.
First and foremost:  I need to find 10 really committed printmakers.
I will carve and create 10 identical key blocks out of the old classic battleship grey linoleum. After which I will mail them to the 10 chosen printmakers.
The "Chosen" will then create 3 color plates to use with said key block. (I will provide these to the printmakers as well)
I think it will be very interesting to see which artists will color what parts, what their area of focus will be and what color palette they will use.
We can discuss the subject matter as a group and vote on the key block image choice, the drawing of the block will be up to me.
We will all be committed to an edition of 10, so each of us can have one from each participant just like similar exchanges.
This will take some time to completely organize, not to mention to carve so let's call this the first step, or the "feeler."
If you are interested please contact me with questions, ideas, you want "in" etc..

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Add PayPal "Buy it Now" Buttons to your listings!

If you use PayPal, and are familiar with the PayPal "Buy it Now" buttons, you can paste the html code for the buttons right in the description of your listings!

You can edit your existing listings so it is not to late.

This will give you an even better chance to make a sale that is handled directly by you.

Be sure to switch the listing description editor to html/code mode, paste your button code in and save it.

Kaboom, done.

You can look at this examples of one of my listings to see how it will appear.